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Bradley Cousins Reunion

When: March 17th, 18th, and 19th 2023

Where: 7855 FM 467 Seguin Texas

map screen shot.png

Update Feb 21 2023

Welcome to the 2023 Bradley Cousin Reunion planning page. I hope this page will help track the information for the reunion and make it easier to communicate.


Forum for easier communication



We are just three weeks away. We can change things as needed and if you have any ideas, suggestions, or thoughts, please use the comment section below or contact me via email, text, or smoke signal.


Friday March 17th, 2022: arrive throughout the day

Friday evening:

Dinner - menu TBD still - could be pizza

Drinks (BYOB) and karaoke (John)


Saturday morning:

Breakfast - breakfast casseroles, cereals, fruit, muffins, etc. - John 


Saturday all day:

Games - cards, dominoes, console games, horseshoes, cornhole, etc. (? and ?)

Activities - swimming, fishing, skeet shooting, etc. (Steve )

Raffle ticket sales and item display (John/Steve)


Saturday afternoon:

Lunch - pulled pork and turkey - Roxann; potato salad - John

Family reunion photo

Family competitions - Guess the Baby (Jamie), Family Feud Trivia (John and Karli)

Storytime - Short videos of family members telling the story behind the pictures (Jamie)


Saturday evening:

Catered BBQ dinner - Steve

Talent show if we have any contestants - John

Raffle drawing

Bradley Cousins After Hours


Sunday morning:

easy breakfast, prayers for safe travels and blessings, goodbyes and hit the road


Comments (12)

16 de mar. de 2023

John and I are here! Spurs-Mavs game was insane at 1.8 seconds left. Went into overtime and Spurs lost which is bitter sweet for me. I really like the Mavs, too. We are hitting up a few stores tomorrow and plan to bring some things to Steve's in the evening. We have several items for the raffle, Family Feud with buzzers and the works, Trivia via smart phone, and Karaoke... this is going to be fun y'all !

24 de nov. de 2022

Just confirming we have a camper spot!

Steven Bradley
Steven Bradley
24 de nov. de 2022

Did you fine folks get the Link for the Block Rooms

Jamie Scott
Jamie Scott
11 de out. de 2022

Sounds like it's going to be so much fun! I wanted to share a couple of side notes.:

We planned for this weekend in March because it's the end of Spring Break for most of us and the vicinity where Steven lives has great opportunities for family vacations (what better way to spend Spring Break than vacationing in the San Antonio area and then end the week with a fabulous Bradley Cousins Reunion!)

We don't want this weekend to be a financial burden for anyone which is why we're having the raffle.

I will be bugging you for family pictures, especially baby pictures. More on that later.

Please try to come!


P.s. it would be helpful if you signed your comments

Steven Bradley
Steven Bradley
12 de out. de 2022
Respondendo a

Feel free to reach out, If you are looking for something specific I will find it for you.

Weather in San Antonio averages 50-75 degrees, Sometimes Rain sometimes not.

If your one of those that like tent Camping that is a real option. If you have a camper, I will have at least 3 spots with water and power, (well 2) one has already been reserved. If there are more than 3 and you have a long cord then there are more options. There is also a large shop (not air conditioned yet)

I sleep in a tent in the desert for 1 year so I can sleep anywhere just letting all know about the options.

I am working on a Block of rooms now, All three Hotels that are nicer are about the same cost.

Towne Place Suites, Holiday Inn Express, and Hampton in Seguin.

John wants to Go to the Spurs vs Mavericks Game at the ATT center March 15. I think he said he would take donations to his cause.



John Vandygriff
John Vandygriff
13 de out. de 2022
Respondendo a

Thanks Steve. I will leave the desert camping to braver people like you.

Air conditioning is no longer optional for me - I'm a wuss.

11 de out. de 2022

I can’t wait! This sounds like so much fun! I will be bringing a couple of home made things! I have started a new hobby! Lol!

John Vandygriff
John Vandygriff
11 de out. de 2022

I am looking for a dynamic host for the Family Feud game. If you already have a Steve Harvey costume please contact me.

Steven Bradley
Steven Bradley
11 de out. de 2022

See Y’all there

11 de out. de 2022

This is happening!


Steven Bradley
Steven Bradley
12 de out. de 2022
Respondendo a

Can You add a function to comments board that emails or ______. a notification someone has posted?

John Vandygriff
John Vandygriff
18 de out. de 2022
Respondendo a

So far, I can't find a way to add notifications for replies on comments. But I'll keep looking.

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